More About Me

I love Cambridge and all of its beauty. It has the perfect mix of old and new architecture, surrounded by luscious forests, captivating wildlife and rivers winding throughout this beautiful city.

Throughout my teenage years I spent most of my time on our family farm in Cambridge near the 'Breslau’ airport. Now I live in Ward 1, am the mother of 3 beautiful children and a grandmother of 6!

My parents fled Yugoslavia when it was under communist control, so I am a first generation Canadian. Since coming to Canada with no money in their pockets, my parents taught me to work hard and to appreciate the value of money. Growing up in a multilingual home, I can also speak fluent Romanian and Serbian.

More About Me

I love Cambridge and all of its beauty. It has the perfect mix of old and new architecture, surrounded by luscious forests, captivating wildlife and rivers winding throughout this beautiful city.

Throughout my teenage years I spent most of my time on our family farm in Cambridge near the 'Breslau’ airport. Now I live in Ward 1, am the mother of 3 beautiful children and a grandmother of 6!

My parents fled Yugoslavia when it was under communist control, so I am a first generation Canadian. Since coming to Canada with no money in their pockets, my parents taught me to work hard and to appreciate the value of money. Growing up in a multilingual home, I can also speak fluent Romanian and Serbian.

My past has shaped my future in so many ways, creating in me a self-starter and go-getter, passionate for the people around me. I have worked hard to become a business owner and a landlord, and I am excited to work hard for the people in Ward 1 and the residents of Cambridge.

I Believe...

  • Business and Residents voices need to be heard and respected, and all levels of municipal governments need to be more transparent.
  • The City needs to understand and respect how hard business owners and residents work. It is imperative the City be good stewards of the taxes that are collected. Cambridge Property taxes have increased on average twice the inflation rate for 10 years in a row.

    I will fight for the efficient and effective use of your hard-earned property tax dollars. It is time to freeze property taxes or not allow them to increase more than the inflation rate.
  • We need more affordable housing, but building less expensive homes is difficult at a time like this. The government has put in so many barriers, it is costing builders and developers substantially more time and money.
  • Our Seniors have contributed so much to our community. I will advocate to provide more supportive programs and ways for them to engage with the community as they are such a huge part of it.
  • We need to protect our precious children and residents with safer streets and neighborhoods. I will advocate for things like, speed bumps around school zones, and more police presence where it is proven to be necessary.

Please vote for me. Your vote matters more than you know!